Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) | East Pacific

East Pacific
Updated: August 11, 2016
Average year: 126
2016 year-to-date: 86

Atlantic Tropical Cyclones of 2016

Tropical Cyclone Name Start Date Max Wind Speed (kt) ACE (104 kt2)


January 13, 2016 75


BONNIE May 28, 2016 40 1.0175
COLIN June 05, 2016 45 1.215
DANIELLE June 20, 2016 40 0.4425
EARL August 02, 2016 70 4.07

East Pacific Tropical Cyclones of 2016

Tropical Cyclone Name Start Date Max Wind Speed (kt) ACE (104 kt2)
ONE August 02, 2016 0 0
AGATHA July 02, 2016 40 1.1675
BLAS July 03, 2016 115 19.3025
CELIA July 08, 2016 85 10.1925
DARBY July 12, 2016 100 21.685
ESTELLE July 16, 2016 60 7.4125
FRANK July 21, 2016 75 8.3525
GEORGETTE July 22, 2016 115 10.9475
HOWARD August 01, 2016 50 1.88
IVETTE August 03, 2016 50 3.575
JAVIER August 07, 2016 55 1.65

10 Things We Know About Accumulated Cyclone Energy

  1. There is no evidence of a systematic increasing or decreasing trend in ACE for the years 1970-2012.
  2. There is a cyclical variation in the ACE of 6 and 12 months' length.
  3. The contribution of ACE from the Eastern and Western Pacific is approximately 56% of the total ACE.
  4. The contribution of ACE from the Atlantic Ocean is approximately 13% of the total ACE.
  5. The minimum and maximum values of ACE per month are respectively 1.8 and 266.4.
  6. The average value of ACE per month is 61.2.
  7. The minimum and maximum values of ACE per year are respectively 416.2 and 1145.0.
  8. The average value of the ACE per year is 730.5.
  9. The total of ACE for 2012 through September is 540.8.
  10. There is a correlation of ACE between some oceans.