WunderBlog Archive » Dr. Ricky Rood's Climate Change Blog

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2012 April

Rhetoric Again - Cycles

We have this unique capacity of knowledge. We can place ourselves into our environment and see ourselves as shaping our environment, and have responsibility for maintaining our environment. We are not, entirely, at the fate of nature, or cycles, but we are part of nature, of cycles. And as such we might not be able to determine our future, but we are able to influence our future. We don’t have to be destined to destroy our future.

RickyRood, • 6:39 AM GMT on April 25, 2012

A Hot Day’s Night: The Beetles

I have been spending a lot of time with beetle-killed wood this year. You might recall a couple of blogs back in 2009 where I talked about the pine beetles which are killing millions of acres of pine trees in the western U.S. and Canada. The beetles are just getting going.

RickyRood, • 3:33 AM GMT on April 11, 2012