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President Obama Delivering Major Climate Change Speech Today

By: Dr. Jeff Masters, 1:19 PM GMT on June 25, 2013

At 1:55pm today, Tuesday June 25th, President Obama will speak at Georgetown University on the growing threat of climate change. It's the first formal dedicated speech he's given on the issue since he was elected in 2008, and the President will lay out his vision of where we need to go and what we can to do to address and prepare for the serious implications of a changing climate. President Obama is expected to announce a series of actions to combat climate change that do not require Congressional approval, including the regulation of new and existing power plants by the EPA to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The speech will not address the status of the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline between the United States and Canada, though.

The Weather Channel will be presenting the President's speech live at 1:55pm ET, with special live coverage including expert commentary before and after. I'll be one of the guests, and will appear live between 1:30 - 3:00 pm EDT during several of the segments. You can also listen to President Obama's speech live at http://whitehouse.gov/live. Late this afternoon, I plan to make a new blog post on the speech. Will the President lay out a vision for getting us into the end zone, or will he merely hand off the ball for another plunge into the line of Mother Nature's increasingly ferocious tacklers?

Video 1. Preview of President Obama's climate change speech.

Jeff Masters

Climate Change Politics

The views of the author are his/her own and do not necessarily represent the position of The Weather Company or its parent, IBM.